Instagram users share millions upon millions of images and videos every day. If your dealership hasn’t developed a strong presence on this popular social media platform, the time to do so is now. To help you out, here are some dos and don’ts for making the most of your Instagram account.
Do use hashtags. Posts that have hashtags get over 12 percent more engagement than posts without them.
Don’t use all the hashtags. Using any more than 15 will make your post look cluttered and not add any benefits.
Do create a hashtag for shoppers to use. Encouraging customers to use a personalized hashtag promotes engagement.
Do talk to shoppers. Take note of shoppers who are reaching out. Send them a direct message, where you can include clickable links, unlike standard posts.
Don’t simply copy and paste previously posted content in a direct message. Your messages should be customized and feel personal to each and every customer.
Do go live. Host Q&A sessions with your followers, or broadcast from your dealership’s special event. Live postings are a fantastic way to connect with shoppers.
Do create the best content possible. Make posts specific to your dealership. Post photos and videos of cars in your showroom or employees who work at your store.
Don’t use stock photos. Followers will most likely see them somewhere else on the internet and feel you’re not being original.
Do optimize your ads. Similar to providing the best content, your ads must look amazing with copy that’s short but hits its target. You might even find hiring a professional to photograph your vehicles is a valuable investment.
Chumney & Associates’ Social Media Department can help you make the most of your dealership’s Instagram presence. Contact us today for more details.