You count on your analytics to track the progress and success of your marketing message, but when spammers overload your site with fake referral URLs, your results become skewed. Working around these issues takes a lot more than a magical click of a spam filter; however, after telling marketing professionals last year about working on a solution, Google appears to have taken care of the referral spam problem.

The SEM Post’s Jennifer Slegg noted the apparent absence of referral spam in an article earlier this month, although she does say that the adjustment seems to have taken place beginning in February and becomes noticeable before acquisition reporting. This improvement is a huge win for webmasters tired of spam referral links littering their Google Analytics and inflating their results with fake traffic.

The most important thing to keep in mind is the fact that while your analytics might show a decrease in traffic, what you lost wasn’t “real” traffic and what you’ve gained are more accurate results.

At Chumney & Associates, we believe in keeping you in the loop of advances that will help improve your business. As always, we’re more than happy to take a look at your numbers and see what we can do. Contact us today for an in-depth analysis!



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